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GameDig Contribution Guide

Thank you for considering a contribution to GameDig! Your efforts help enhance the documentation and functionality of GameDig, making it an invaluable resource for developers and gamers alike. Every contribution, no matter how small, contributes to the improvement of GameDig's documentation and its libraries.

By participating in this community, you are helping to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. Please take a moment to read our Code of Conduct to ensure our community remains a respectful and enjoyable place for everyone.

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the contribution process, from identifying issues and proposing changes to creating a Pull Request (PR) and navigating the review process.

New Contributor Guide

Welcome to the GameDig Community! As you embark on your journey as a contributor, we're thrilled to provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you get started and make meaningful contributions to the project. Below, you'll find an array of resources and information tailored to new contributors like yourself.

Exploring Open Source Opportunities

To begin your journey into open source contribution, it's essential to understand the various opportunities available to you on GitHub. GitHub's curated guide, Finding ways to contribute to open source on GitHub, offers insights into discovering projects, understanding their needs, and identifying areas where you can make a difference.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before diving into contributing code, it's crucial to set up your development environment properly. GitHub's detailed documentation on Setting up Git provides step-by-step instructions to help you configure Git on your local machine, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process.

Understanding GitHub Flow

GitHub Flow is a collaborative development process that facilitates seamless teamwork and iteration. To familiarize yourself with this workflow, explore GitHub's guide on GitHub flow, which outlines best practices for branching, committing changes, and merging pull requests.

Collaborating with Pull Requests

One of the primary ways to contribute to GameDig is by collaborating with pull requests. Learn how to create, review, and merge pull requests effectively by referring to the comprehensive guide on Collaborating with pull requests. This resource covers everything from opening pull requests to addressing feedback and resolving conflicts.

Additional Resources and Support

As you begin your journey as a GameDig contributor, remember that you're not alone. Our community is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you have questions, need guidance, or want to connect with fellow contributors, our Discord server provides a welcoming space for discussions and collaboration. Join us in the GameDig Community Discord.

Get Started Today!

Armed with these resources and a passion for open source, you're ready to embark on your journey as a GameDig contributor. Start exploring opportunities, making meaningful contributions, and shaping the future of GameDig. We can't wait to see what you'll accomplish!

Contribution Workflow

Identifying and Addressing Issues

Reporting New Issues

If you encounter a problem or see room for improvement, start by checking if there's already an existing issue. If not, you can create a new issue using the appropriate issue template to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.

Working on Existing Issues

Browse the list of open issues to find something that interests you. You can filter the list by using labels to narrow down the type of contributions that match your skills and interests. We encourage open collaboration and do not assign issues to specific contributors.

Making Your Contribution

Quick Edits

For minor corrections like typos, broken links or small improvements, simply click Suggest changes to this page at the bottom of any documentation page. This will lead you directly to the .md file where you can make your changes and submit a pull request.

Local Development

For more significant contributions or changes, you might prefer working locally:

  1. Fork the repository: Click the Fork button in the top-right corner of the repository page to create your own copy of the repository.
  2. Clone the repository: Use git clone to create a local copy of your forked repository.
  3. Set up your development environment: Ensure you have Node.js installed and updated as per the engines.node value in the package.json
  4. Install dependencies: Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  5. Create a branch and make your changes: This is where you can dive into coding, writing documentation, or making other improvements.

Finalizing Your Contribution

After making your changes, commit them to your branch and submit a pull request. Be sure to follow any templates or guidelines provided, as this helps expedite the review process.

Library Contribution Guidelines


The GameDig libraries are crucial components of the GameDig ecosystem, providing the underlying functionality for querying game server information. We welcome contributions, including new features, bug fixes, and improvements to existing functionalities.

Communication and Collaboration

  • GitHub Issues: Our primary platform for discussion about bugs, features, and improvements.
  • Discord: Join our Discord community for more informal discussions and community engagement.

Development Guidelines


All contributions are made under the MIT license, ensuring flexibility and openness in the development process.

Naming Conventions

For consistency and clarity, we have specific guidelines for naming games and creating identification strings within the libraries. Please refer to the detailed naming conventions outlined in the specific repository's file.

Contribution Priorities

Contributions that implement games using already supported protocols or add support for new protocols are highly encouraged. We prioritize adding games that can immediately benefit from the library's current capabilities.

Versioning and Releases

We adhere to Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for the libraries, denoting major, minor, and patch releases. This system helps us manage releases in a way that's predictable and understandable for users.

Getting Your Changes Merged

Once you've made your contribution:

  1. Submit a Pull Request: Provide a detailed description of your changes and how they improve the library.
  2. Review Process: The GameDig team will review your submission, possibly requesting changes or clarification.
  3. Merge: After approval, your contributions will be merged, becoming part of the GameDig ecosystem.

Celebrating Your Contribution

Congratulations on contributing to GameDig! Your efforts help enhance the gaming community's experience by improving the robustness and functionality of GameDig. We invite you to continue participating in our community, exploring new ways to contribute and collaborate.

By following these guidelines, you ensure a smooth and effective contribution process, helping to grow and improve GameDig for everyone involved.